We mean business first and foremost.
3D product customization is indeed stylish, but here at Angle 3D we treat the back-end of your Shopify business just as professionally.
What is Binding?
Angle 3D Configurator is built to work effortlessly with your existing Shopify store. Chances are, you are already familiar with Shopify variant options and how to manage them. Binding allows you to automatically link your Shopify variants to the customization options set up in the 3D configurator. What does this mean? Pricing and stock tracking for specific variants of your products are promptly reflected in your configurator! In addition, binding also provides an elegant solution to Shopify's variant limit.
Select Binding Type
The 2 recommended binding types are 'Variants' or 'Bundle'.
Select the binding type that best fits your business:
'Bundle' *
* only available via the Enterprise plan. Upgrade your plan today!
We have another way of dealing with this with a feature called 'Custom Pricing'.
We do not recommend using that the 'Custom pricing' feature for a few reason we could explain to you on a call if you ever want to know more.
What is 'Custom Pricing'?
'Custom Pricing' is an early version of the present 'Variant' and 'Bundle' binding options. Being a first release, it does not work as efficiently with Shopify as the newer versions. While not a recommended solution, it remains available to our clients. While 'Custom Pricing' allows for pricing manipulation, it does not communicate with Shopify variants, thus disabling automatic stock tracking. Essentially, 'Custom Pricing' makes a distinction between a 'Base price' and 'Extra Prices'. 'Base price' represents the minimum default price of the product. 'Extra Prices' correspond to any additional applied customization that affects the price of the item. To set those, select 'Add an extra price' and assign both the customization option and its variant before inserting a custom price.
Note that custom pricing will override any existing Shopify variant.
Custom pricing may take up to 30 seconds to update on the storefront.
Pricing should only be modified within the 'Custom Pricing' section and not within Shopify.
Last updated